Q - What is it?
Quick Unique Information Technology Configuration Kiosk
We provide a unique data application building platform which enables you to build data applications quickly – even with no experience in the IT world. The Q-wizards enable and guide the application builder to easily CREATE | DESIGN | and BUILD applications – build data tables, relationships and their columns and Voila!! –There is your application.
Q - Why use it?
- FAST to build applications - fraction of the time compared to traditional programming.
- LOW COST of building applications.
- ANYBODY can play - very user-friendly even for people with no experience in the field.
- SUITABLE for the individual, small business, or large business.
- LOW TOTAL COST of ownership of applications.
- ABILITY to meet the MAJORITY of any business / company requirements.
- GET RID of all the small loose-standing built applications (spreadsheet anarchy) normally associated with current software solutions which do not satisfy the client and end user.
Q - What it's not
- Web application builder
- Android and IOS App builder
Q - Key Features
- Q is Quick
- Q is cost effective
- Short Turn Around Time for changes or additions to applications
- Web Enabled capabilities for certain functions of the platform
- Work Offline and Sync to central database functionalities
- Extensive BI capabilities – Dashboards | Snap Reports | Static Reports | Pivots etc.
- Capture data on tablets (all) through web interface
- Access BI outputs with Tablets (all) through the web interface
- User Defined Capture Forms (UDFs)
- Q Importer – Convert Legacy programmes quickly
- Suite of built-in application configuration toolset (wizards)
- Audit Trail
- Q is your Data Warehouse window for reporting on any database
- Data validation | Referential integrity
- Comprehensive Security Capabilities
- Suite of look and feel options
- Extensive Filter Toolset